Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tying Brains

Egg patterns have always given me a hard time.  My recent attempts have looked more like pink Cotton balls then eggs.  A friend told me Y2K's were working really well on the South Holston.  Then came a scenario that happens far too often with me and my fishing buddies.  The first thing I usually say "so can I buy a few from you?"  This is usually always the reply.

They are really easy to tie. 

Then I go into how after buying all the materials and hooks it would be just easier buying them from a friend.  My buddy trumped me on this excuse by sending me an email for a Jstockard $10 gift card. If you've never checked out Jstockard.  They have everything you can imagine for fly tying.  Their prices are some of the best I've found.   My friends who tie use them pretty much exclusively for their materials.

I got the materials in the mail a few days ago and I researched Y2K patterns.  I looked up some youtube videos and found some pretty good tutorials.   While tying my first I found out right away why I had issues tying these in the past.  The material I was using was too soft.   I'm sure you could get it to work but all I could do is tie pink cotton balls.  The McFly foam made it a lot easier.  I followed the how to's the best I could.  All I could manage is what looked more like brains instead of eggs.
  I'm sure they will still do the job.   Tying these actually gave me the bug to tie other things and I bought some stuff to tie zebra midges and soft hackles.  I received my first birthday present in the mail too. My wife was nice enough to hook me up with something from The Fiberglass Manifesto.
I usually don't like wearing t-shirts with website logos on them but this bluegill design is awesome. The shirt looks great and I look forward to wearing it while I'm chasing gills in the spring.


  1. Kev
    I have to say that I have very little success with the egg. The midge is my number one. Thanks for sharing

  2. Bill, I've never had huge success with it. I usually use it ahead of a nymph. I like that I can see the egg in the water. It helps me track where my fly is and spot a trout following or a take on the nymph. If the egg stops or jerks I lift the rod. Usually it's a fish.

  3. I should fish egg patterns more.
    When I tie one on it always produces a hit.

  4. I agree Kev, I think those brains will work just as well as eggs. However, don' listen to me, the only eggs I've ever used were salmon eggs.

  5. Dude- those will fish. Eggs are tricky at first- but they catch stockers like crazy.

  6. Nice work, Kevin. Your eggs look deadly.

  7. check my blog. I posted a vid a while back with a very easy egg pattern tutorial.
