This was my first experience at the Fly Fishing Show. I liked it a lot but I came away a little confused. I was told before hand that a lot of vendors were going to have bargain bins with amazing deals. There wasn't much of that. A few places had 50% off apparel but it was pretty picked over and odd sizes. There were some good deals on flies. An example was a dozen flies for $10. I was puzzled that more vendors didn't have good deals. The market they are selling too was literally coming to them.
The best part was probably the speakers. There were professional casters and fly tiers. Bob Clouser gave a casting instruction and Whitlock had a presentation on deer hair flies.
The best part was probably the speakers. There were professional casters and fly tiers. Bob Clouser gave a casting instruction and Whitlock had a presentation on deer hair flies.

Both drew big crowds. It was interesting that Clouser had different casting advice than someone who gave a presentation just a few hours prior. They almost contradicted themselves. All I took away was casting is really about personal preference and what works for you. There was a nice casting lane in the middle of the show where people could test out rods. You could see people lined up around the sides to not only watch the action of the rod but also critique the caster. There were targets laid out in a pool for people to cast too. Some people got their line stuck in the rafters up above. I think the embarrassing experience made other people reluctant to try casting. I have to admit I was one of those people. It has been so cold and all this fly fishing stuff made me just want to cast a rod. I finally gave in and made my way to the casting lane. I was sure I was going to do something stupid. Luckily I didn't and made a few nice casts to the targets.
I never really knew who Dave Whitlock was but after seeing his art, fly tying instruction and checking out some of his books I was impressed..

The Triangle Fly Fishers had a great presence at the show.

The Fly Fishing Show in general was great. It was nice to be at the booth and help spread the word about TFF. It was also fun just to talk to people about where they fished, what they tie and their philosophies on the sport. I wish my job was to talk about a hobby I love all day.